How to chat with Meta AI on WhatsApp?

Meta, the company behind WhatsApp and Instagram, is testing a new feature called Meta AI. This AI chatbot allows users to chat directly within the WhatsApp app, offering various functionalities.

What is Meta AI?

Meta AI is similar to other chatbots like ChatGPT. It can answer your questions on a variety of topics, generate creative text formats, translate languages and even create images based on your prompts.

Who can use Meta AI on WhatsApp?

Currently, Meta AI is in limited testing. Some users in India and other countries have reported speedy access. The feature is expected to be implemented more widely in the coming months.

How to chat with Meta AI on WhatsApp?

If you’re lucky enough to get early access, follow these steps:

  • Update WhatsApp: Make sure you have the latest version of WhatsApp installed.
  • Open a group chat: Meta AI currently works in group chats. Open a group chat where you want to interact with the AI.
  • Start a chat: Type “@” in the message field, followed by “Meta AI.” If you see “Meta AI” as an option, you have access.
  • Ask your question: Once you select “Meta AI”, type your question or prompt in the chat window and click Send. Meta AI will respond directly in chat.
  • Continue the conversation: To continue a conversation with Meta AI, swipe right on its message and type your follow-up question or prompt.

Important Notes:

  • Meta AI currently only understands and responds in English.
  • It can only read and respond to messages that specifically mention “@Meta AI”.
  • Although Meta AI strives for accuracy, its responses may not always be correct.

Is there any other way to access Meta AI?

While the initial test focuses on WhatsApp groups, reports suggest that Meta is also working on integrating Meta AI into Instagram’s search function. This functionality may include a search bar with a blue ring where you can type your questions or use voice search.

What about privacy?

Meta assures users that their personal messages and calls will remain end-to-end encrypted even with the introduction of Meta AI. Additionally, you can choose to use WhatsApp without interacting with the chatbot.

The future of MetaAI

The limited testing of Meta AI marks Meta’s venture into the world of generative AI. With broader rollout and potential integration on more platforms, Meta AI has the potential to become a powerful tool for communication, creativity, and information access within the Meta ecosystem.

Check also: India’s first Metaverse experience center in Noida

By Tech99

Jugal Bade is an tech enthusiast and keeps a keen eye on the latest trends and innovations. He brings his 5 years of experience in the tech industry to, offering insightful analysis and engaging discussions on a wide range of topics. From cutting-edge gadgets and software to emerging technologies and their impact on society, Jugal strives to keep a wide readership informed and curious about technology.In his free time, Jugal Bade likes gaming, tinkering with electronics, exploring new apps, attending tech conferences. His passion for technology extends beyond professional circles, making him a well-rounded contributor to the community.

One thought on “How to chat with Meta AI on WhatsApp?”
  1. haven’t got this feature on my whatsapp yet..But the information you provided is very useful..keep posting daily.

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